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I’m getting more and more into animation and creating mixed media content. Businesses are always looking for ways to create content that stands out. Content that surprises and is a little different than the standard definitely helps with that. For me, it’s the creative process that draws me into creating these kind of projects.

With a combination of photography, video and animation, there are really no limits in what you can do.


School of motion

This year I earned the credentials for completing one of the intense animation courses of School of Motion. The skills that I added to my skill tree are: 2D Animation, Graphic Design.


School of motion

I earned the credentials for completing one of the intense design courses of School of Motion. The skills that I added to my skill tree are: Photoshop, Illustrator, intro in Design.


: Agents After All
Project: Promo animation HIER Festival 2023

: Kinderboekenmuseum
Productie & Video: Rocket Stories
Animatie: Emma Pot

School of Motion
Project: Final assignment
Design: Ariel Costa

: CNV Jongeren
Assignment for: Rocket Stories

Project: Creating the leader and animation assets


Universal Music Nederland
Project: Teaser for track release


Client: Wouter Hamel
Project: Lyric Video (animated)

Client: Workspace Heroes
Project: Intro animation

Project: Hyperlapse in an almost empty city

Project: Wall Art comes to live.

Project: Wall Art comes to live

Project: Wall Art comes to live

Project: Wall Art comes to live

Project: Wall Art comes to live.


Do you want to know more?

Let me know if I can help you with a project or just say hi!
